How to backup an instance and download it to the desktop on ESA HPC
Backup is not supported for volume-backed instances. When you are creating new instance be sure that Create New Volume option in source tab has been set to NO. It should look like on the picture below:
You should first prepare the python environment on your desktop.
Please see the following link:
How to install OpenStackClient for Linux on ESA HPC
Assume that we created an instance vm-john-01.
Using CLI you can list the instances in your project.
user@ubuntu:~$ openstack server list
ID |
Name |
Status |
Networks |
Image |
Flavor |
72170eb7-cee4-41a3-beea-c7d208446130 |
vm-john-01 |
test_network=, |
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS |
eo1.medium |
Now you can create a backup from CLI:
user@ubuntu:~$ openstack server backup create --name backup-01 72170eb7-cee4-41a3-beea-c7d208446130
If you want to have control over the number of stored backups, to the above command you should add the –rotate<count> parameter:
user@ubuntu:~$ openstack server backup create --name backup-01 --rotate 2 72170eb7-cee4-41a3-beea-c7d208446130
You can see the backup “backup-01” in
or in CLI:
user@ubuntu:~$ openstack image list --private
| ID | Name | Status |
| 747d720d-a6f4-4554-bf56-16183e5fb7fa | backup-01 | active |
Now you can download the image to your desktop
user@ubuntu:~$ openstack image save --file backup-on-the-desktop 747d720d-a6f4-4554-bf56-16183e5fb7fa
After that, you can upload backup file using dashboard:
Go to Project → Compute → Images.
Click “Create Image”.
On this panel you must insert image name, choose backup file and backup format. Next click “Create Image”.
You can also use CLI to upload backup file:
user@ubuntu:~$ openstack image create --file path/to/backup <backup_name>